Sunday, January 23, 2011

Monday Night Tech Class Part 2

Wow, the year is flying by so quickly, it only seemed like yesterday it was September. The Tech class is my favorite class at UNB. I feel really comfortable and in my elements. I am not, by far, the best with computer tech savvy.
I watched a video on you tube called " Did you Know" Shift Happens. I was astound by the facts that this video has brought to light.
The Chinese and India population boom per second compared to to north America. Makes me wonder how my Aboriginal people compare in this Super computer being designed and built that will exceed the human brian capacity>>>WOW!

Simon Nevin

1 comment:

  1. Did You Know is an amazing actually is REALLY old...almost a whole five years now!! may want to check YouTube for the newer versions (I think there are 5 or 6 now)...

    The latest recession saw many jobs disappear. Unfortunately, many of those jobs - the ones that can be automated or shipped off shore for low cost labour - are not coming back. That will demand a new way for North American to think about work. It is true, China and India have lots of smart people, but to continue to lead in the flat world of the 21st Century will demand us to be innovative and creative as opposed to industrial.

    Keep the ideas coming!

